Category Archives: Emma Norris

Dairy deception

When it comes to eliminating dairy, some products are a no-brainer. Cheese, yoghurt, ice-cream and cow’s milk all become glorious memories from days of yore. But you may be surprised to learn that dairy derivatives including casein, butter fat or whey have been added to many of the foods you love. Sneaky, we know. For those who are lactose intolerant (rather than severely allergic) the amount added is usually slight enough to stomach. However, when it comes to eating well knowledge is power– so here’s a list of foods unexpected foods that often contain hidden dairy.

–          Prepared bread crumbs

–          Processed sandwich breads (both white and wheat)

–          Crackers

–          Granola

–          Deli meats such as ham or turkey

–          Protein bars

–          Margarine

–          Breath mints and chewing gum

–          Peanut butter

Dairy is excellent at disguising itself, much like a ninja or carmeleon.

Now, we would never suggest that you should painstakingly fret over every little thing you eat. You’ve got to live after all! What we DO believe that when going dairy-free it pays to be alert and always keep a careful eye on the ingredients listed on the nutritional panels.



Wear your allergy on your sleeve

While researching gluten free recipes, I stumbled across a children’s clothing trend that definitely did not exist when I was in primary school.

These t-shirts are a really interesting way of negotating the fact that most infants with food allergies probably do not completely understand their condition. Parents can monitor what their children eat when it comes to home-cooked meals and packed lunches, but at school or friend’s places this is out of their control. By alerting other adults that their son or daughter cannot eat certain food products (such as dairy, wheat, eggs or peanuts) parents can reduce the risk of a severe allergic reaction. This is a great idea in theory, as it helps to avoid miscommunication and potential disasters. However, I can’t help but question  the practicality of this strategy. In order for the allergy awareness t-shirts to be effective, a child would technically need to wear it on a daily basis. This is particuarly unrealistic in Australia, where most students are required to wear a uniform to school. However, most parents would have already alerted the school about any allergies their child suffers from- meaning the shirt could be useful in other circumstances where they are away from the home.

What do you think? Would you purchase one of these shirts if your child had a food allergy, or do you think it is impractical?


Trick or treat

When I was ten I lived in Saskatchewan, Canada for around six months. One of the main things I noticed (other than the freezing weather and lack of avocados) was that Halloween is a much bigger deal over there than it is here. I’m talking decorated houses, elaborate costumes and lots of different types of chocolate for trick or treaters to choose from. It’s a bit of a shame that it isn’t the case here, considering Halloween is only two weeks away and can be a very exciting occasion. Regardless of where you are in the world, one thing immediately comes to mind when Halloween is mentioned- candy! Unfortunately, sweets are a bit of an area of precaution for those with gluten allergies. The good news is, we’ve rounded up a range of delicious gluten free treats for you to munch on the most terrifying day of the year.

Caramel corn popcorn

Caramel candy apples

Meringue Ghosts

Pumpkin seed brittle

Pumpkin pie

Orange chocolate coconut clusters

Candy corn popcorn balls

So get into the festive spirit by whipping up these desserts to serve to at your Halloween party, hand out to trick or treaters or polish off by yourself.



Celebrities- they’re just like us! Minus the private jets, personal chefs, perfume endorsements, ability to actually find something when they Google themselves…. Okay, maybe the rich, famous and beautiful aren’t on the exact same page as us, but if there’s one thing privilege can’t buy it’s resilience to illness. Even shiny-haired starlets, Hollywood leading men and Oscar winners fall victim to conditions like Coeliac disease. Here are some of high profile names who have been diagnosed with Coeliac disease:

Zooey Deschanel

Danni Minogue

Emmy Rossum

Chelsea Clinton

And then we have the gluten intolerant:

Billy Bob Thornton

Juliette Lewis

Rachel Weisz

And those who follow a gluten free diet for the hell of it:

Jennifer Aniston

Gwyneth Paltrow

Victoria Beckham

Admittedly, these gluten free A-listers usually have a team of chefs, dieticians and nutritionists on hand to attend to their dietary needs.  But we believe that having a healthy, balanced diet all comes down to being ingredient savvy- whether you have Coeliac disease, gluten intolerant or are trying to cut down on wheat for weight loss reasons!



We are excited to report that our petition to eliminate the soy milk surcharge in cafes and restaurants has already attracted 20 signatures. Thank you so much for your support guys! But remember, the more the merrier and we still need 80 more signatures before we can send the petition off to the ACTA. So, don’t be shy and add your signature using the link below- the sooner we get the cause out there, the sooner we can stop wasting our hard earned cash on a few drops of milk!


Do I have a lactose allergy?

To follow up on our last post on determining whether you are allergic to gluten, it’s now time to guide you through the often perplexing world of lactose intolerance. If you’re anything like me, chances are you have at least five friends who only seem to be allergic to dairy when it suits them. I’m talking about the people who will demand only soy, almond or rice milk with their coffees but are always first to leap to their feet as soon as gelato is mentioned.

” Lactose allergy? What lactose allergy?”

This comes down to more than just truth-bending and diet trends, as it turns out cow’s milk is particuarly high in lactose sugar (compared to other dairy products like cheese, yoghurt and icecream.) As a result those who are even mildly lactose intolerant will struggle to digest milk, but are often perfectly fine when it comes to small portions of cheddar cheese or frozen yoghurt. Some symptoms of lactose intolerance are:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhoea

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be linked in Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. That is why it is important to book in a visit with your GP if you experience of these symptoms, as you will need to take either a blood or breath test to determine the problem.



Do I have a gluten allergy?

Once you have been diagnosed with Coeliac disease or gluten intolerance, it’s fairly easy to create a plan of action (especially with blogs like ingrediEAT helping you along the way!) Often, the tricky part is actually realising that the reaction you are having to wheat is not normal. In severe cases, the presence of an allergy may be quite obvious but when symptoms are more subtle and varied it can be difficult to identify the issue. Here is a list of symptoms commonly associated with Coeliac disease or gluten intolerance:

  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Nutritional deficiencies due to malabsorption e.g. low iron levels
  • Gastro-intestinal problems (bloating, pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea)
  • Fat in the stools (due to poor digestion)
  • Aching joints
  • Depression
  • Eczema
  • Head aches
  • Exhaustion
  • Irritability and behavioural changes
  • Infertility, irregular menstrual cycle and miscarriage
  • Cramps, tingling and numbness
  • Decline in dental health

If you have encountered any of these issues, it may be worth paying a visit to your GP for a checkup! Once the doc gets to the bottom of it, you’ll be able to carry on with life- symptom free, stress free and hassle free. Keep your eyes peeled for our next post on spotting lactose allergies.



Taking action

Have you ever ventured to a new coffee shop to purchase your daily cup of joe only to be charged an outrageous amount for soy milk? Us too! Despite the fact that many Australians have been diagnosed with lactose intolerance, most cafes and restaurants are still enforcing a 30-70 cent surcharge. Here at ingrediEAT, we believe there’s no point complaining about an issue if you’re not willing to do something about it. That’s why we have created a petition to eliminate the surcharge for soy milk and stop alienating coffee drinkers who suffer from lactose intolerance. After receiving 100 signatures we plan to send the completed petition to the Australian Coffee Traders Association Inc, an organisation dealing with important issues within the Australian coffee industry. The petition has already attracted a great response and so far we have received 12 signatures. Here are some of the reasons our supporters have cited for joining the fight for soy milk equity:

Yes, someone admitted to us that non-soy milk gives them the runs. But every signature counts, and that’s why we need you guys to chip in and have your say! To sign the petition click here:


A weighty issue

When Miley Cyrus dropped a significant amount of weight from her already slim frame this April, tongues immediately started wagging about a potential eating disorder. Miley dismissed this claims, insisting that she had dropped the kilos as a result of eliminating gluten and dairy from her diet. While the singer/actress/serial dieter added that she is allergic to these products, she also recommended that everyone does the same. Yes, it is true that gluten and dairy foods are often high in carbohydrates or fat, making it a no brainer to reduce these levels when trying to shift some kilos. However, there is much research to suggest that banning entire food groups in a plight to lose weight can actually do more harm than good. Gluten free products, for instance, can have a much higher kilojoules and sugar content than its gluten-containing counterparts. This is because manufacturers may be forced to include less-than-wholesome additives to try and replicate the taste of the original product. Gluten free alternatives also tend to be lower in nutrients including iron, zinc and folate.

Slim and slimmer- Miley Cyrus before and after her diet overhaul.

Waving goodbye to dairy can also make it challenging to sustain a balanced diet. Products like cheese, milk and yoghurt are rich in calcium, protein, vitamin D and minerals including phosphorus.  Luckily, most of these health benefits can also be attained by chowing down on things like eggs and tofu. However, many dieters seem to turn to alternatives like soy, not realising that these can contain an equal amount of sugar (or even more) than full-fat dairy products. Now, it goes without saying that the Ingredieat team would never try to deter you from experimenting with gluten and dairy free foods and drinks. After all, showing you just how exciting and accessible this lifestyle can be is our ultimate goal. Our only bone to pick with Miley’s claims is that ‘EVERYONE’ should try out a gluten and dairy free diet. We believe this should only be taken on as a result of allergies, intolerances or a desire to FEEL better, not as a short-term weight loss fix.

What are your thoughts on this contentious issue, Ingredieaters? Have you ever considered nixing gluten and dairy to lose weight quickly?


Swap, don’t suffer

Apart from being careful about every morsel that enters your mouth, figuring out exactly what to eat is the most difficult thing about being diagonsed with coeliac disease or a lactose allergy. Here at ingrediEAT, we believe food and drink are some of life’s greatest pleasures and should certainly never become a chore. And that, our lovely ingredieaters, is why we have devised a list of simple swaps you can make to more easily intergrate your allergies into your lifestyle.

Can’t drink milk? Try Almond Breeze almond milk or So Good soy milk.

Can’t eat bread? Try Lichenstein’s gluten free bread.

Can’t eat yoghurt? Try Soy Life yoghurt in vanilla creme, blueberry, boysenberry or apricot and mango.

Can’t eat pasta? Try Buontempo gluten free pasta.

Can’t eat icecream? Try Coyo coconut milk icecream.

Can’t eat cheese? Try Toffuti lactose free cheese.

Can’t eat wraps? Try Freedom Food Wraps.

Can’t eat cereal? Try Freedom Foods Ancient Grain Flakes .

There we have it!  A range of gluten free and dairy free products you can add to your grocery list next time you hit the shops. And remember, there’s no need to suffer when you can simply swap.
