Monthly Archives: September, 2012

Product of the week

There is a myth that Gluten-Free products do not taste good as the “Real thing” (what constitutes the “Real Thing” anyway!?) I have therefore attempted to have a week of eating gluten-free products myself. It cost me a bit more out of my pocket but I have definitely discovered some amazing products. One I would like to showcase is Three Bean’s Gluten-Free choc mud cookie.

Where? These bad boys are found across most Three Bean’s cafes across Sydney. One cafe that definitely stocks them is the one next to Mamak on Eat Street in Chatswood.

Price? $3.80. Sure they are a little pricey for a cookie, but these are oh so worth it.

Taste? This cookie literally melts in your mouth (maybe because it is made probably of 70% dark chocolate). It is rich but light at the same time as it crumbles in your mouth. I don’t know if it is just me but I find they have a subtle mint texture to them as well.

Why are you still reading this? Go out and try one for yourself right now!



Swap, don’t suffer

Apart from being careful about every morsel that enters your mouth, figuring out exactly what to eat is the most difficult thing about being diagonsed with coeliac disease or a lactose allergy. Here at ingrediEAT, we believe food and drink are some of life’s greatest pleasures and should certainly never become a chore. And that, our lovely ingredieaters, is why we have devised a list of simple swaps you can make to more easily intergrate your allergies into your lifestyle.

Can’t drink milk? Try Almond Breeze almond milk or So Good soy milk.

Can’t eat bread? Try Lichenstein’s gluten free bread.

Can’t eat yoghurt? Try Soy Life yoghurt in vanilla creme, blueberry, boysenberry or apricot and mango.

Can’t eat pasta? Try Buontempo gluten free pasta.

Can’t eat icecream? Try Coyo coconut milk icecream.

Can’t eat cheese? Try Toffuti lactose free cheese.

Can’t eat wraps? Try Freedom Food Wraps.

Can’t eat cereal? Try Freedom Foods Ancient Grain Flakes .

There we have it!  A range of gluten free and dairy free products you can add to your grocery list next time you hit the shops. And remember, there’s no need to suffer when you can simply swap.


Sooooyyyy expensive!

Hi everyone!

As well as being food fanatics, Emma and I are openly professional havoc makers. But we think today we have some reason to be. Today I was having brunch (ricotta honeycomb pancakes with a big breakfast on the side) when I looked at the drinks menu for my caffeine hit. What did I see?



For those who are intolerant to dairy, it can often be a tough life. Dairy is in almost everything, often soy is the way to go for the lactose intolerant. But why should those who cannot stomach cow’s milk have to suffer the consequences by having to pay extra? It does not take an economist to figure that this is simply a money grab.

Of course soy has a slightly higher market price than regular cow’s milk in the supermarket, but do cafe owners really use their brain? Wouldn’t they reap the benefits of having regular, loyal lactose intolerant customers if they did not charge an extra average fifty cents for a small shot of milk?

Watch for a petition coming soon.

What is the most you have ever had to pay for soy milk? Does it put you off from visiting the cafe again? Let us know!

Happy Friday



 Hello food fanatics,

Welcome to IngrediEAT, a page created by two girls who love their carbs, dairy and great food in general. In fact, we love it so much that one day we were sitting down (drinking a milkshake) when we started wondering what life would be like without frozen yoghurt and toasted sandwiches. That’s when we realised that unfortunately, there are people who cannot eat these foods we take for granted every day.

1 in 100 Australians suffer from food allergies. Whether you are lactose allergic or have coeliac disease and cannot eat any wheat- restrictions are never any fun. But never fear because IngrediEAT is here! We are here to help you look on the bright side of your allergies. This blog will soon be filled with delicious gluten-free and dairy-free recipes, as well as tips on how you can best manage a lifestyle with your food allergies. We guarantee to teach you to be more ingredient savvy with your food and direct you to the best eateries with allergy-conscious menus. Hopefully your diet plans will be transformed into something so delicious that you will start thinking-“what allergies?”

For those who also just want to clean up you diets or lower your carb intake, this blog would be great for you as well. We are avid believers of the old adage “you are what you eat” and this plays a bit part in our attitude towards food.  This page will soon turn into an overload of healthy deliciousness and we hope that with each visit, your craving to go for a Macca’s run will slowly disappear.

Happy reading!
